welcome to my humble gallery. these sketches are the result of creative energy running from my muse, through my pencil, and onto the paper. this is my own original artwork. anyone who reproduces it unlawfully will see me in court. it'll be fun... at least for me. (sorry that i must say that, but i am paranoid after all.) if there are any questions, e-mail me (sailor_earth47@hotmail.com). thank you and enjoy.

(click on thumbnail for full image)


This is Amethyst. She is a succubus that was kicked out of hell. Now she's trying to make a not-so-honest living among the mortals.

Two ghosts, a boy and his aunt, the boy proclaiming a merry Christmas.

Cassy levitating a crystal on a chain. I contemplate over whether that crystal is the source of her power... *shrug*

The following three are sketches of Erin Alexis...
I'm trying to decide how to put her hair...



A character loosely based on Cassy in Charlie's
Angels inspired costume. She is holding a fan
and a gun.


This is an inkblot. What do you see...? 

Fraternal twins, Colleen (Collie) and Connemara

(Marie), come from the future to save their time.