I tend to update in chunks... with periods of drought and periods of abundance (jeez, i like the rain so much i have to act like it... @_@). So I decided to make a log of what I did when(all the COOL people are doing it... ^-^). Here's the history of Torre @ Slash... not from the beginning, unfortunately...

12/18/01-- Christmas-i-fied Torre @ Slash (a little late), death in the familypostponed the festivities temporarily. Accepted to The Dark Sanctuary webring.Still working on glitches, imood indicator, and keeping the epiphaniesup to date. Happy Advent!

11/22/01-- Added diary from opendiary.com. Right now it's only on the text pagebecause I'm lazy. Cut me some slack! It's midnight! Happy turkey day...

11/19/01-- I'm keeping up! With my epiphanies, that is... Still don't know whatto do about Diet Torre vs Graffix Torre. I'll figure it out. imood indicatorestillnot working!! Accepted to .::s.w.e.e.t d.e.l.u.s.i.o.n.s::. WebRing.

11/07/01-- Piloting new option of text vs graphics... kinda like soda vs. pop. It has a few glitches. I'm working on a way to fix it without duplicating every single page because we're running out of room here at Slash. Worked on mood indicator, have yet to see if it works (it didn't). Added "Loverof Rain WebRing"  navigation bar to the main page along with .::DarkFalling::. for which  I was approved today. I hope they keep me throughall these technical difficulties... What's with all the text running intoitself...?

11/06/01--Added 3 stories and 2 poems to long-under-construction library. Adopted Boo Radley from Adopt-A-Ghost. Tried to join a few webrings, we'll see how that turns out. Formed my own webring "Lover of Rain." Waiting until I find out about the others  to addbanner to the main page. Slash is running out of space at 20megsfree.com,I  hope  I don't have to move.

11/05/01--Adopted anime chibi's and caught  some more bishonen (Link and Tenchi).

11/04/01--Today I discovered bishonen (www.pocket-bishonen.com) and bishoujo (pocket-bishoujo.com) and made them a joyful part of my site. Recieved -and fought with- mood indicator from imood.com. Fun, fun. Also updated Epiphany of the Week... finally.