Lee's Page o' Random Stuffs!

Y'see this guy here? That's Spike! He's from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Credit goes to the all-mighty Joss, and the Picture is from the WB). Can you tell I'm a teensy bit obsessed? Well... I am. Oh well...

Anyway, I guess I should introduce myself as one of the resident music freaks (I'm listening to Billy Joel at Bzok's house as I type this). I play trumpet and sing. I can't draw to save my life (I leave that to Bzok and Torre). I can write though! It's fun! While I mostly do fan fiction, I do write some original stuff. Including this one little piece. So read! Oh, please?! Just a little?! Thanks!



Darien's Qwote book

Harry Potter, BTVS Crossover


I know, I know, Spike's flamable! Deal with it!